Presenting at #PYM16

For the past year or so, I've been working on the intersection of Youth Ministry, Eschatology, and Childhood Studies (I've got one article coming out in the next issue of Journal of Youth and Theology and another article, co-authored with Erin Raffety, that's been submitted). I don't want my work to be merely academic, so I've been looking for opportunities to share it with actual youth workers and regular church folks. I've had a couple of those opportunities. But perhaps the biggest opportunity I've had yet is to present at the 2016 Progressive Youth Ministry Conference. I went to this conference in Chicago a couple of years ago (it's first year) and was impressed. This year I'll be leading a seminar called "Human Beings and Human Becomings: Adolescents and Eschatology." It's pretty cool of PYM to take a chance on someone who hasn't yet presented at a conference like this. It's gonna be a good time.

So, if you're looking for a good youth ministry conference to go to next year, consider the Progressive Youth Ministry Conference.
